Friday, February 22, 2008

It's happened again!

Wow, this is somewhat surprising to say the least. I've taken many pregnancy tests this week. Had 5 (out of 6, I think) come up positive. The 6th was unclear.

I got right in this morning and had my beta hcg drawn. It was 11, not very much for where I should be in the pregnancy, but I FEEL much more so this time than last. Hoping this means all is well.

I go back in Monday morning for another draw. I'm praying it will rise significantly, and that we can see the little beaner on an ultrasound before the end of the week. We leave on Saturday morning for Montana, and I'd sure hate to have to try finding someplace to get bloodwork or an ultrasound done out there! Plus trying to get MI Medicaid to cover it!! Oy!


Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

Oh wow!!!! How did it go today????


Minkydo said...

How are you doing? Several of us from TM are wondering and praying for you.